"Chakra" is the Sanskrit word for wheel or cycle. There are many of these energetic fields in the body. But there are 7 main chakras along the spine which helps our bodies, minds, and spirit align and work together at their best abilities.
Root “muladhara”
Located around the base of the spine. Connected to your feelings of survival, stability, and
Sacral “svadhisthana”
Located below the navel. Affects your sexuality, creativity, intuitiveness, and compassion.
Solar Plexus “manipura”
Located around the base of the spine. Connected to your feelings of survival, stability, and
Heart “anahata”
Located around the heart and lungs. Connected to your feelings of trust, passion, and love for self and others.
Throat “vishuddha”
Located around the neck, mouth, and tongue. Connected to self-expression and communication.
Third Eye “ajna”
Located between the eyebrows. Associated with intellect, wisdom, and spiritual power.
Crown “sahastrara”
Located around the top of head. Associated with enlightenment and spirituality.