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Writer's pictureAshley Camille

March 28, 2021 FULL MOON in LIBRA


It's Aries SZN, and Aries is the first sign in the zodiac - marking a new astrological year.

Aries - the low key flame.

I find that most Aries tend to mind their business: they are SUPER INDEPENDENT!; they are very goal oriented and natural-born leaders; however, they are not ones to be played with. They are very impulsive and naturally blunt individuals. But remember that a controlled flame can erupt into a ferocious fire with a simple gust of wind.


March 28, 2021 @ 6:48 ET

Worm Supermoon

Full Moon in the Phase of Libra

Sun in the Phase of Aries

Libra is the literal embodiment of balance. Unlike the individualist Aries, Libra has a romantic energy about itself that values all relationships. Basically they love being around people. This air sign is adamant (and I mean determined!!) about avoiding conflict and can often see both sides of any problem. However, this can work against them by making them quite indecisive.


Right now, you may feel all over the place. Under the Aries sun, our inner individualists are are their peak. I think everyone has been really focused on "doing me" recently which isn't a bad thing. On the other hand, emotions can get confused when we feel our relationships conflict with our individuality.

This full moon might have something to do with that. The need for balance, communication, and decisiveness is high right now. This is the time to continue to explore yourself and your goals while balancing the relationships closest to you. Remember it’s healthy to keep an uplifting circle around you, and continue to practice healthy communication between them.

**How you and your friends/family/signficant other communicate with one another mat be completely different than the next person and that’s A-OKAY, honey. Respect and know the dynamics of your relationship**

You may feel like your relationships are in the way of your personal desires. Right now is the perfect time to practice open and honest communication in your relationships. Although partnerships typically take two, one must join another one to make the two. Basically, it's important to preserve the two individuals that came together to form the relationship. Sometimes distance is healthy. Don’t jump and make an impulsive decision, but do respect your feelings of independence.

I advise you to take advantage of this Full Moon energy. Explore your inner self - your goals, things you may need to heal from, self-analyze your position in life. Come together with those around you and COMMUNICATE. Talk about your goals, plan a trip or go out together (safely!). Use this as a learning and growing opportunity with yourself and those around you.


🌊Water Signs - Pisces, Cancers, Scorpios🌊

Don't get too lost in yourself and your feelings. Remember to keep up with your responsibilities and relationships. But also use this time to find some sort of balance in your affairs. Your flowy energy can get lost in itself sometimes, so try to adopt some habits to combat this weakness.

Continue to embrace your creativity, but don't keep it all to yourself! Communicate your feelings in however way you choose to express it.

🌊Water Signs🌊

🌎Earth Signs - Taurus, Virgos, Capricorns🌏

Your feelings of wanting to be by yourself may have been heightened recently. And you might see how its affecting your relationship with those around you. Your solid nature is comfortable in your ways, however, it is okay to bend a little for those around you. Let them into your heavily guarded sanctuary - this vulnerability can help strengthen your relationships. Your already grounded nature tends to find balance naturally.

🌎Earth Signs🌏

💨Air Signs - Geminis, Libras, Aquarius💨

Balance! That’s what you need right now. Put your all into focusing on aligning youraelf with your inner SELF. You tend to get so wrapped up in the people around you that you put yourself on the back burner. It’s OKAY to prioritize you - it’s a part of growth. Practice your individuality. Now is the perfect time to follow your OWN path.

💨Air Signs💨

🔥Fire Signs - Aries, Leo, Sagittarius🔥

You may want to cling onto your relationships a little tighter recently. However, it is important that you allow your loved ones to breather. Try to balance your sense of individuality with your relationship. Once you find this balance, your relationships will improve greatly. You and your loved ones will be able to grow WITH one another.

🔥Fire Signs🔥

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