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Writer's pictureAshley Camille

Zodiac Polar Opposites

Zodiac Polarities. We're talking the yin and the yang, the negative and the positive, the receptive and the passive.

Polarities are just another way we classify the signs. Polarities have quite a few different names - most I've mentioned above. The terms positive and negative and/or feminine and masculine (respectively) are most commonly used. However, personally I feel positive and negative makes some of the signs seem better than others which is not the meaning of this classification. Also, I prefer not to attach gender characteristics to zodiac signs 🙄.

So for the purpose of this blog post, we will just refer to the poles as yin and yang - which makes more sense to me in the long run and sounds much cooler.

Now what the heck is a Zodiac Polarity?

I like to think of the saying "Opposites Attract" when I think about Polarity - similar to magnetic poles (yes, we're talking science folks). There's a group of zodiac signs that share more introverted characteristics - the yin - and a group that share more extroverted characteristics - the yang. When you put these two poles together they attract because they have what the other lacks and/or needs.

Polar Opposites

Sounds simple right? But hold on y'all, it gets deeper. Within each pole are "polar opposites" - two signs within the same pole (yin or yang) that represent opposite ends of the same idea.

For example, there's a homeless person holding a sign asking for cash. One person stops to give him the cash because that is what he is asking for. Another person stops to give him food because although it is not what he is asking for, this person assumes it is something he needs since he is homeless.

They both stop to help, however the help they give have different motives behind them. This is kind of the meaning behind polar opposites - same pole, but different motives behind the same idea. Two different extremes - neither is good or bad - just different.

It's also good to keep in mind that even though every sign represents one extreme, no one is 100% a Pisces (or whatever you are). Take a look at your birth chart and see whether more of your signs are yin or yang.


Also referred to as negative, masculine, or receptive. These are all my fellow water and earth signs:






These signs tend to focus their energy inward and are more sensitive to other's energies as well - making them more receptive. They are more relational and prize the emotional connections they build. As a result, they have a harder time of letting the ones they love and cherish go.

Yin Polar Opposites

Taurus : Scorpio

"mine" : "ours"

ideas: values, possessions, security & trust

On one end the Taurus ideology values personal resources in support of others' interests and their own sense of self-worth

On end the Scorpio ideology values shared resources in support of their own self-interest and a sense of power & control

Cancer : Capricorn

"care-taker" : "provider"

ideas: family, motives, status & individuality

On one end the Cancer ideology values putting energy into establishing a caring, supportive, and protective home life

On one end the Capricorn ideology values putting energy into publicly advancing their career and/or social status and getting recognition for your achievements

Virgo : Pisces

"reality" : "idealism"

ideas: work, motives & service

On one end the Virgo ideology values doing hard, practical work in service to others

On one end the Pisces ideology values idealistic, creative ways of sacrificing for others


Also referred to as positive, feminine, or active. These are the fire and earth signs:







These signs tend to focus their energy outward and are more self-expressive. They tend to like to talk things through and put their two cents in. They need purpose and require constant motion. They tend to process and dismiss their emotions easier.

Yang Polar Opposites

Aries : Libra

"assertion" : "agreement"

ideas: interests of desires and needs

On one end the Aries ideology values taking from others in support of themselves

On one end the Libra ideology values giving to others in support of others' needs

Gemini : Sagittarius

"elementary mind" : "intellectual mind"

ideas: knowledge, communication & understanding

On one end the Gemini ideology values detailed, narrow framework of day-to-day information in relation to local matters

On one end the Sagittarius ideology values widening their horizon to get a deeper understanding of truth, knowledge, and wisdom

Leo : Aquarius

"individual expression" : "group expression"

ideas: social goals & expression

On one end the Leo ideology values individual, creative enjoyment with no consideration of others' lives

On one end the Aquarius ideology values focusing on others' interests and goals with no consideration of their own lives

These are the Poles and the Polar Opposites within them. Again, please note that these descriptions represent two different EXTREMES and no one 100% represents one category. Your birth chart is a helpful tool in understand yourself and the signs that make you, you.

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